Product Detail

Product Detail

Agility Trail 2

Agility Trail 2

KOMPAN ROBINIA See full catalogue range>>

Code: NRO855

This play structure provides many challenges for the children climbing up to the platform overlooking the playground. All the additional play equipment such as Butterfly rope, Twisted climbing net, Balance rope, balance beams, etc,..are focused on climbing in general, there we have a climbing ropes and climbing nets and ladder. This structure also offers a lot of climbing challenges thus altering the rhythm of the climbing movement and training balance and coordination skills.

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Technical information

IMPACT AREA = 132.5m2


Our new ORGANIC ROBINIA designs are inspired by the organic shapes of nature itself and all the uniqueness of the winding Robinia wood. Environmentally friendly Robinia wood also has a high content of naturally occurring preservatives; that’s why it doesn’t require any chemical treatment to preserve it from rot. The strength, durability and flexibility of Robinia also makes it particularly ideal for use in natural playgrounds.


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