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Product Detail



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Code: COR856

Children get a kick from the Sensory Dome as it is a thrilling and sensory playscape. The Sensory Dome features a variety of novel play activities that intrigue, retain, and develop children of all abilities in play. This makes the Sensory Dome a uniquely intense play space to wonder, feel, move, and make friends. The suspended nets cater for climbs that are thrilling and meeting points for chilling. Children improve their strength, stability, and motor skills when crawling, climbing, and navigating through the net-scapes. On the very top of the Dome, a grassy-surface meeting point offers a bouncy, fun-to-touch space to rest. At ground level, varied nets sway when children climb above, creating playful movement and a sense of unity in players. The transparency of the Sensory Dome makes it a play unit for intense cooperation, consideration and communication across levels and activities. At ground level, every activity is accessible and inclusive for all abilities. Inclined nets offer varied climbing and lying. Novel net-rolls add to the play experience with sensory-stimulating feels when lying or roller-gliding on the back or stomach. A swaying, blue Loop is suspended to the nets and reflects the movements of friends climbing the nets above. The optic panels create a sense of wonder with their moiré-like visual effects, which encourage logical thinking. The multi-coloured vertical suspended rollers allow children to develop their own patterns and signals, which promotes creativity. The multilevelled, varied activities of the Sensory Dome intensely train crucial motor skills and major muscles in a fun way, including crosscoordination and balance, which build the capability to move confidently and securely through the world.

Technical information

IMPACT AREA = 116.1m2


See product sheet for material details.


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